Julia Sneddon

Statement and Bio:
Julia Sneddon grew up in suburban Wellesley, where she learned the art of film photography at Wellesley Middle School in 6th Grade. Julia has since been captivated by the lengthy routine and subsequent rewarding outcomes of creating and producing film photography. She has been studying art at Beaver Country Day school for four years but has been focused on film photography for 7. She has created many previous pieces that have been hung on the walls of Beaver Country Day School. Julia is currently unsure of where she will attend school after facing a recent deferral from her top choice. She is planning on studying cognitive science or neuroscience wherever she ends up, in hopes of one day working in a lab to research treatments for Alzheimer’s Disease.
Film Photography
Typically, my work always begins with the aim of taking a typical artistic process and changing it. In particular, I prefer altering the process of photography because there are so many steps allowing for a myriad of manners to modify (haha.) However, this didn’t exactly happen due to COVID-19. My work is now a collection of a few pieces that I have managed to create as a result of this quarantine. I am new to most other forms of art and this was a struggle, but I do enjoy spontaneity over all else.
I am unsure of what I created. I love spontaneity. But I also love method. I hope to portray some mix of these two.