Ronan McCarthy

I do not read artist statements. The only time I do is when a piece really catches my attention and makes me want to know more. So what about my work caught your attention? Was it the scale? Was it the color? Was it the patterns? Or was it the Stencils?
I love the term controlled chaos and that term has helped inspire me to what I have made. While it may look that everything on the canvas looks random and unrelated, that is quite the opposite. Every move made is made with thought and technique that is supposed to create a sense of chaos to the viewer.
A lot of the subject matter in my art comes from my childhood. Popular TV shows, logos, characters all were put into this piece. In many ways, my work could be recognized as a self portrait, as all the subjects/ stencils that would normally not go together all of a sudden seem to work on my piece.
If you had told Ronan four years that he would be exhibiting his artwork in the Senior Show, he would have told you that you are crazy. Unlike many of the other artists in Senior Studio, Ronan found his passion for art mainly in his junior year of high school. After learning how to spray paint his freshman year of high school and then not having a single art class his sophomore due to NUVU, Ronan came into his junior year and produced as much work as his could. In this Ronan found a love for coming to the art studio every day and making as much work as he could during class time. Growing up in Roslindale Massachusetts, street art and graffiti were a heavy influence on Ronan’s inspiration and likeness for art.